Panasonic Design FLUX NY

Investigating Emerging DEI Trends in New York City

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) have become top business priorities in North America, transforming key corporate functions such as organizational design, product innovation, and user engagement. In collaboration with Panasonic's design R&D division, Flux, we have taken a deep dive into this fast-growing field through desktop research and insightful interviews with professionals and consumers. The result is our Future Signals Report, a comprehensive analysis of how companies, by respecting diversity and inclusion, can empower all individuals to lead fulfilling lives.
Main Visual

Experience-Driven Field Research

Research for the Future Signals Report began with a trip to the NYC Pride March, a world-renowned event going back to 1970. What was originally a gay pride parade has now become a celebration where not only the LGBTQ+ community but also Black Lives Matter, women's rights, bodily autonomy, and many other social minorities assert their rights. The participants in the parade and the enthusiastic observers on the sidewalks showed us that DEI includes not only gender, age, and sexual orientation but also race, ethnicity, physical ability, and other crucial aspects of individuality.

Case Studies and Interviews with Professionals

As part of our desktop research, we explored products and services specifically tailored to the needs of diverse consumers worldwide, with a focus on North America. In addition, we interviewed enlightened leaders who are creating products and services that are driving major social impact by addressing the diversity of gender, age, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, and physical ability, all of which are intrinsic aspects of individuality. In particular, we asked them about the potential social issues that lie ahead and about the thinking they put into offering new experiences through design.

Dialogue with New Yorkers

After researching advanced case studies, we had the opportunity to interview actual users of products in New York. During these interviews, we met face-to-face with interviewees and asked them about their personalities and values.

Seven Key Insights into the Zeitgeist

Input and inspiration from our field research at NYC Pride, desktop research, and extensive online and face-to-face interviews with professionals and consumers were compiled into seven key takeaways.

Project Information

  • Client: Panasonic Design FLUX NY
  • Expertise: Futures
  • Year: 2022

Project Team

Motosuke Fukuda
Experience Designer, Project Director
Hayato Shin
Business Designer, Project Director
Naomi Ito
Creative Strategist

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