Toshiba Corporation

TOSHIBA pavilion design

Takram was in charge of planning, system building, content art direction and technical direction for the exhibition by Toshiba Group Hydrogen Energy Research & Development Center (HRDC) at Toshibas Fuchu Complex that opened in April 2015. Through an advanced presentation system and data visualization, visitors are able to experience and easily understand basic information on hydrogen energy; characteristics of Toshibas hydrogen energy technology and examples of its application; and demonstration experiments.
Toshiba Hydrogen Energy R&D Center
Toshiba Hydrogen Energy R&D Center

INFORMATION: Toshiba Group Hydrogen Energy Research & Development Center

Toshiba Group Hydrogen Energy Research & Development Center is Toshibas demonstration experiment facility for technologies related to hydrogen energy. At the same time, the facility also provides information related to Toshibas technology and hydrogen energy and is used as an exhibition space for catching client and customer needs. Through an advanced presentation system and data visualization, visitors are able to experience and easily understand the characteristics of Toshibas hydrogen energy technology, examples of its application, and actual demonstration experiments. The facility is composed of three different zones including the entrance, studio, and laboratories. Using a tablet device, an attendant guides the visitor through the facility by controlling the exhibition contents.

DETAIL: Entrance and studio

Three monitors are installed on the wall at the entrance, displaying contents such as real-time data from the demonstration experiments, and an outline of the facility. Furthermore, in the studio, large screens on the wall display a particle animation depicting the surging and flowing of water. This is an expression of how hydrogen energy is born from water and returns to water, demonstrating to the visitors the progressiveness of the hydrogen society envisioned by Toshiba. Starting with a content that explains why hydrogen energy now?; attendants use the tablet device to control the seven large screens, switching from particle animation to contents that introduce various application examples of Toshibas hydrogen energy.

DETAIL: Laboratory

The laboratories are an area designed for demonstration experiments. One of the unique characteristics of Toshibas hydrogen energy technology is the companys ability to provide the entire process at once, from making to using hydrogen. However, it is difficult for the visitor to differentiate and understand the specific functions of the machinery by merely looking at them from the outside. To solve this, Takram installed monitors right next to each part of the machinery and designed a visualization system that displays the operating status and characteristics of the specific machinery. There is also a large monitor that demonstrates from a wider perspective how the facilitys machinery works together, and a distribution diagram of information on how the generated hydrogen and energy are being used.

Project Information

Project Team

  • Art Direction & Technical Direction: Takram
  • Programming & Design: METAPHOR Inc.
  • Sound Design: Keiji Matsui

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