Design & Sustainability #1 : Seaborne

Design & Sustainability #1 : Seaborne

As part of Takram's internal sustainability initiative, we interviewed Isabel and Maddy from Seaborne, a NY-based sustainability consultancy. Hosted by Yosuke Ushigome at our London studio, we discussed our jouneys into sustainability how they unlocked new possibilities in our practices.

Links and recommendations:
- Seaborne: https://www.seaborne.nyc/
- Seabornes research piece about sustainability messaging in e-commerce: https://garden3d.substack.com/p/substantive-sustainability-gets-more
- Design, Ecology, Politics: Towards the Ecocene by Joanna Boehnert: https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/design-ecology-politics-9781350258778/ (Maddys recommendation for designers)
- Climate Forward newsletter by The New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/newsletters/climate-change (Isabels recommendation)